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跪求深圳牛津英语九年级what should i do的课文或翻译
被浏览: 0次 2023年01月29日 03:31

what should i do
What should I do What should I do? In Debbie's schools, students can put their problems wrote school counselors ms.robbins. This is the excerpts from three letters she recently received. I haven't seen my friend Amy for a long time, so last Sunday I went to visit her new high-rise apartment with her. When I get there, she accidentally knocked down a flower pot from the window. Flower pot on the ground below, just missed some children playing with brush. No one was hurt, so we didn't say what is going to the movies. When we get home, we learned that the police had just never apartment and asked everyone about the pot. Amy was too afraid of without and police said. Now I feel guilty, don't know what to do? Until nine o 'clock last night, I go to piano class do the subway to go home, three strong form of the boy on my almost empty carriage this day, they sat on a travel alone around the boy. They began to bully him, the boy was too afraid, so he moved to another seat, but the larger the boys followed him continue to bully him. Then the train stopped at my station. I got off the train back home, I feel very sorry for the boy, but I don't know how to help him, I'm not strong, I hate violence. What can I do?
我应当做什么?在黛比的学校,学生可以把他们的问题写信告诉学校的顾问罗宾斯女士。这是她最近收到的三封信的摘录。我好长时间没见我的朋友艾米 了,所以上个星期天我去她的新 高层公寓拜访她。当我到那里的时候,她意外地从窗户撞下了一个花盆。花盆碎在了下面的地上,刚好错过一些在玩刷的孩子。没有人受伤,因此我们什 么也没说就去看电影了。当我们回家时,我们得知警察刚从来过公寓并且问了每个人关于花盆的事。艾米太害怕了而没有和警察说。现在我感觉内疚,不知道该做什么?昨晚到九点,我上完钢琴课做地铁回家,三个强状的男孩上了我 这节几乎空的客车厢,他们坐在一个单独旅游的小男孩身边。他们开始欺负他,那个男孩太害怕了,于是他移动到另一个座位,然而较大的男孩们跟着他继续欺负他。然后列车在我的站停下了。我下了列车回了家,我对那个男孩感到很抱歉,但是我不知道如何帮助他,我不够强状,我讨厌暴力行为。我能做什么?


what should i do

我应当做什么?在黛比的学校,学生可以把他们的问题写信告诉学校的顾问罗宾斯女士。这是她最近收到的三封信的摘录。我好长时间没见我的朋友艾米 了,所以上个星期天我去她的新 高层公寓拜访她。当我到那里的时候,她意外地从窗户撞下了一个花盆。花盆碎在了下面的地上,刚好错过一些在玩刷的孩子。没有人受伤,因此我们什 么也没说就去看电影了。当我们回家时,我们得知警察刚从来过公寓并且问了每个人关于花盆的事。艾米太害怕了而没有和警察说。现在我感觉内疚,不知道该做什么?昨晚到九点,我上完钢琴课做地铁回家,三个强状的男孩上了我 这节几乎空的客车厢,他们坐在一个单独旅游的小男孩身边。他们开始欺负他,那个男孩太害怕了,于是他移动到另一个座位,然而较大的男孩们跟着他继续欺负他。然后列车在我的站停下了。我下了列车回了家,我对那个男孩感到很抱歉,但是我不知道如何帮助他,我不够强状,我讨厌暴力行为。我能做什么?


我能做什么?或 我应该做什么?