当前位置:首页 > 问答大全 > 十万火急,求懂英语的高手写一篇作文,后天要交,要求如下,谢谢各位高手


被浏览: 0次 2023年06月05日 09:07

Dear Tony,

I have recieved your letter and I am so excited about your arrival! Our schedule would be tight, since your travel is only a few days. However, I would be first picking you up in the airport and head straight to my home the first night. You are so lucky to be just arriving on one of the greatest clelbrations of China, the Chinese New Year. On those days, places would be lively, with music and activities. So, we would also participate and try some New Year food, going to shows.
I would take you to the great wall, since it is a historical and well protected construction. Be ready and remember to take your camera for rare memories. Shopping would be also an activity I am sure you would love. Apart from all these activies, I would also bring you around to try different cultural things, taste different foods etc...
I hope you have a safe journey and I am so looking forward seeing you!

Best Wishes,
Li Ming