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被浏览: 0次 2023年09月27日 01:30

11、The matter ______ you were arguing about last night had been settled.(1分)
A、as B、that
C、for which D、what 答案: B ,that 引导定语从句

12、He didnˊt know French, ______ made it difficult for him to study at a university in France.(1分)
A、that B、it
C、this D、which 答案:D 其实这是个定语从句,用that和which都行。但是因为横线前的逗号,只能用which.这是英语的要求,记住就行。

13、_______ his help, I would not have finished the work so quickly.(1分)
A、But for B、Except for
C、Provided D、With 答案:A。这句话用了虚拟语气,意思是如果没有他的帮助我就不能这么快完工了。 所以选A。

14、The kind of books an author writes _____on the kind of person that he is.(1分)
A、was depended B、depends
C、depend D、were depended 答案:B。 意思是什么样的人写什么样的书。 因为整个句子都用现在时,所以空白处也应该用现在时。所以排除A和D。但是因为句子前面有kind,是单数形式,所以谓语动词也用第三人称单数形式,所以选B。

15、Extra security has been ordered in the city _______ 40 civilians were left dead in a conflict between the government and the rebels.(1分)
A、where B、which
C、that D、what 答案 A。这句子有点复杂,一点点说。空白后面的句子不缺成分,所以可以是定语从句。因为what 在句中是必须做成分的,所以排除。先说leave,在此处不是离开的意思,leave sb in the city.是把某人留在城市里。 所以空白处应该是where或者in which 和in that.

16、____ the building for stolen goods, the police found twenty machine guns.(1分)
A、Searching B、Being searched
C、Searched D、To search 答案:A。逗号前的句子是独立主格结构,不知道你是否学过这个句式,其实它跟with引导的伴随状语一样,只不过没有with罢了。因为是警察搜索大楼,所以独立主格中的动词应该用ing形嫌肢式,选A.在独立主格和伴扮和随状语的句子中,没有B这种形式。只有ing,或ed 或having done三种形式。

17、What caused the accident and who should take the responsibility ______ unknown to all.(1分)
A、remains B、remain
C、is remained D、are remained 答案B。因为and连接两个并列主语,所以谓语动词要用复数,而因芹缺世为sth remain 。。。是固定结构,意思是某物保持。。。样。

18、The police could give you a fine ______. (1分)
A、on the spot 在现场 B、at the place 在地方
C、in the field 在实地;在作战;参加比赛
D、on the ground 在地上
19、His car broke down when he was only ______ home.(1分)
A、a half way B、half a way
C、halfway to D、halfway 答案D,因为home前不加to,所以排除c,半路上就是halfway.

20、We are happy to find that this Italian restaurant is ______ to the one we went to last week.(1分) 答案A
A、superior be ~ to sth 优越于某物
C、lesser较小的,次要的 D、exceeding 超越的,非常的,或是动词exceed的ing形式。根据句意排除。

21、You can ______ on John to look after things while you are away.(1分)答案B count on 指望依靠
A、believe B、count
C、suppose D、trust

22、If you had told me about your problem, I ______ able to help you then.(1分)
A、could be B、had been
C、would be D、might have been 答案D。虚拟语气的过去时。

23、______ you take a taxi, youˊll still miss the train.(1分) 答案C。即使打的,你也不能赶上火车。根据句意选C
A、But for B、Except for
C、Even if D、If only

24、The hostess, dressed in her finest costume, together with the guest of honor,______ comfortably in the living room.(1分)
A、was seated B、were seated
C、sitting D、seating
答案A。seat sb,让某人就坐。因为dressed in her finest costume是独立主格, together with the guest of honor 是状语,所以横线引导的句子中少个谓语动词,所以选A或B,但是句子主语是the hostess,所以谓语动词用单数。选A

25、Itˊs really no business of yours ______ I spent my summer vacation.(1分)
A、there B、in which
C、where D、any place 答案 C。这是个主语从句,从空白处往后才是句子的主语。我在哪过暑假与你无关。所以根据句意排除A和D,至于B选项,只用在有先行词的定语从句中,此处显然不适合,所以排除。答案就出来了。



11 B 考的是同位语从句
12 D which 代替前面整个句子
13 A but for 要不是
14 B
15A (这个拿行让不准)
16A 考非谓语动词
18A 当场
20 A
21 B 指望档备局
22 D 过去时态的虚拟语气
23 C 即滚旦使
24 C
25 B 这个拿不准


11~15BAABA 16~20DBADA 21~25BDCAC